Out first day was started at 3:30 when we drove cars to Gorny Altai. At about 15:30 we were already at the point where our hiking part of the trip started. We left cars at the nearest tourist base. To tell you the truth backpacks were not heavy at all. But when I was trying to cross the fast flow mountain river Chuay I nearly fall into its strong waves. Fortunately, a long stick made me stay on the log which was cast across the river like a bridge. Finally stepping about 3 km we made a camp on the bank and had our first supper.
The 2nd day started at about 9 a.m. Аnd we reached our destination by 5 p.m. It was a great place in a forest between two rivers. I must say we had very interesting neighbors – Nastya and Lenya. Guys didn`t eat meat at all moreover that Nastya was a practicing Tibetan physician. Other our neighbors – Leha and Andrey – tall guys from Yekaterinburg – were cheerful and had a good sense of humor. So our first evening there was great. Оn the 3rd day we planed to go to Karakabak lakes. So early in the morning we packed only one backpack with the most necessary things – food, warm cloth – and went to the lakes. The weather was wonderful but till midday. At about 3 p.m. It started raining heavily. At that time we were going to our camp and in a very short time got wet to the bones. Going back one of our guys Sergei sprained his ankle. So we had to change our plans. Predictions about Sergei`s ankle were not optimistic so we had to refuse of going to the Shavla lake.
The 4th day was the most terrible day for me. I woke up with an eye ache. My right eye was swollen. So my mood was spoiled. Fortunately for me Andrey from Yekaterinburg gave me eye drops which made me better in only one day.
The 5-6th days
It was a lot of rain and chilly wind. During that day temperature hardly reached the point about 15 degrees above zero. So my mood was at the same meaning. All our group except Sergei and me left a camp to have a short 12-hour trip to the Maashey glacier - one of the biggest glaciers in Gorny Altai. That day was raining heavily and guys soon got wet. I thanked God for my decision to stay at the camp because my health condition was not so good as it might be.
The 7th day
God heard our prays and gave us a day off with wonderful weather and a lot of suns. So we enjoyed that day in different ways. The boys were fishing and I spent all day lying in the sun. In the evening our new neighbors – a group from Saint Petersburg came to us to have a great time. We spent a wonderful evening and became good friends. The next day we had to go back home.
Сюрреализм, как культурное движения возникло в 1920-е годы во Франции. Художники сюрреалисты стараются преподнести различные сюжеты в форме фантастических образов.
Представьте себе время, когда граждане города могли анонимно выражать свои опасения и личное отношение к государственным чиновникам, оставляя рукописные заметки в специальных ящиках "denontie secrete".
Вряд ли туристы и жители итальянского города Милана, прогуливаясь 1 октября по центральной улице Via dei Mercanti, ожидали увидеть там настоящую подводную лодку…
А знаете ли вы, что в Индии есть еще один Тадж-Махал? Если нет, то предлагаю вам посмотреть на усыпальницу Биби-Ка-Макбара, которая практически полностью копирует знаменитую на весь мир индийскую достопримечательность.
К числу самых неординарных достопримечательностей «не для слабонервных» несомненно относятся старинные катакомбы в Палермо. На протяжении нескольких столетий, начиная с 15 века, катакомбы считались престижным кладбищем, где хоронили монахов капуцинов и уважаемых граждан сицилиской столицы. А сегодня здесь находится одна из самых необычных экспозиций...